Group for ASD Men Struggling in Their Relationship with an NT Spouse

Are you on the autism spectrum [ASD - Level 1] and struggle to meet your neurotypical (NT) partner's needs and expectations? Has separation or divorce crossed her mind? Are the two of you already in the process of breaking up? Does she constantly complain that she is getting NO emotional support or empathy from you? Then please watch this video:

A MESSAGE FOR ASD MEN (diagnosed or otherwise):

If you're interested in getting things back on track, please read the following:
  1. Create a Skype account, if you haven't done so already - it's free!
  2. Cost: $99.00 for the 4-week class (1 hour per week). Click on REGISTER NOW below to receive your group access link, or simply send $99. using PayPal to   (How to Send Money with Your PayPal Account)
  3. Email me ( after purchase and tell me which group you're registering for so I can send you the access link to that group. (Note: Please give me up to 24 hrs. to send you the link).
  4. Bonus: Get my $19.00 eBook (see below) for FREE! When you register for the class, I'll email you the link to the eBook along with your access link.


*** ASD Men only *** 
 Date: We will meet on Mondays from 6/2/25 - 6/23/25 (June) - OPEN      
Time: 3 PM (Eastern Standard Time) 
Members: No NT Spouses
*** You do not have to have a formal diagnosis to attend. ***
NOTE: If this date/time doesn't work for you, no worries. I record these sessions and will send you the link to each one within 24 hours [includes all 4 sessions]. You can view the sessions at your convenience, and can view them multiple times! 
Simply register via the PayPal button above, then email me [] to let me know that you will NOT be attending the sessions live, and need the link to each one sent to you via email.

Got questions? Email:

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