
Group for ASD Men Struggling in Their Relationship with an NT Spouse

Are you on the autism spectrum [ASD - Level 1] and struggle to meet your neurotypical (NT) partner's needs and expectations? Has separation or divorce crossed her mind? Are the two of you already in the process of breaking up? Does she constantly complain that she is getting NO emotional support or empathy from you?  EXCERPT from the ASD MEN'S GROUP     If you're interested in getting things back on track, please read the following: Create a Zoom account, if you haven't done so already - it's free! Cost: $99.00 for the 4-week class (1 hour per week). Click on REGISTER NOW below to receive your group access link , or simply send $99. using PayPal to   ( How to Send Money with Your PayPal Account ) Email me ( ) after purchase and tell me which group you're registering for so I can send you the access link to that group . (Note: Please give me up to 24 hrs. to send you the link). Bonus: Get my $19.00 eBook (s...

Group for Neuro-diverse Couples Struggling in Their Relationship

Mark Hutten, M.A. - Master's in Counseling Psychology   Are you experiencing marital problems with your spouse on the autism spectrum (ASD level 1)? Has separation or divorce crossed your mind? Are the two of you already in the process of breaking up? WAIT! If you can get your ASD spouse to join you in this group, it may just lower your marital conflict to a new level. I'm guessing you could use a "game-changer" about now! Excerpt from the NT + ASD Couple's Group       If you're interested, please read the following: Create a Zoom account, if you haven't done so already - it's free! Cost: $99.00 for the 4-week class (1 hour per week). Click on REGISTER NOW below to receive your group access link , or simply send $99. using PayPal to   ( How to Send Money with Your PayPal Account ) Email me ( ) after purchase and tell me which group you're registering for so I can send you the access li...

Group for NT Women Struggling in Their Relationship with an ASD Spouse

Are you experiencing relationship difficulties with your partner or spouse who is on the autism spectrum? Has separation or divorce crossed your mind? Are the two of you already in the process of breaking up? If so, then this is your opportunity to get A LOT of questions answered that may help your situation.      If you're interested, please read the following: Create a Zoom account, if you haven't done so already - it's free! Cost: $99.00 for the 4-week class (1 hour per week). Click on REGISTER NOW below to receive your group access link , or simply send $99. using PayPal to   ( How to Send Money with Your PayPal Account ) Email me ( ) after purchase and tell me which group you're registering for so I can send you the access link to that group . (Note: Please give me up to 24 hrs. to send you the link). Bonus: Get my $19.00 eBook (see below) for FREE! When you register for the class, I'll email you the ...

Online Classes for Couples & Individuals Affected by Autism Spectrum Disorder

Mark Hutten, M.A. [Masters Degree in Counseling Psychology] Are you experiencing relationship difficulties with your partner or spouse who is on the autism spectrum (ASD)? Are you on the autism spectrum and struggle to meet your neurotypical (NT) partner's needs and expectations? Has separation or divorce crossed your mind? Are the two of you already in the process of breaking up? If so, then this is your opportunity to receive group coaching via Zoom with me, Mark Hutten, M.A. If you're interested, please read the following: Create a Zoom account, if you haven't done so already - it's free! Cost: $99.00 for the 4-week class (1 hour per week). Click o n the "register now" link below to receive your group access link , or simply send $99. using PayPal to    Email me ( ) after purchase and tell me which group you're registering for so I can send you the access link to that group . (Note: Please ...

Discount for Returning Members

This is your discount page... Click Here ...or simply send $79.00 to using PayPal to receive your returning-member discount. Also, please email me [ ] and let me know which group you're registering for: NT+ASD Couple's Group NT Women's Group ASD Men's Group Cassandra Syndrome Recovery Group         I'll send you the access link within 24 hours.   ==> Here are the dates/times of the next groups. <==   Not a returning member? Sign-up for your first 4-week class here. Thank you... and I'll look forward to seeing you again on Zoom! Mark Hutten, M.A.

Online Coaching Sessions for Individuals & Couples Affected by Autism Spectrum Disorder

Mark Hutten, M.A. ~ Master's Degree in Counseling Psychology Are you experiencing relationship difficulties with your ASD Level 1 spouse or partner? Are you on the autism spectrum and struggling to meet your neurotypical (NT) partner's needs and expectations? Has separation or divorce crossed your mind? Are the two of you already in the process of breaking up? If so, then this is your opportunity to receive coaching via Zoom from me, Mark Hutten, M.A. If you're interested, simply do the following: Create a Zoom account, if you haven't done so already -- it's free! Email me : we can set-up a day and time to talk [I'm on Eastern Standard Time]. Cost: $149.00 per session. At some point before we meet, you will need to send a PayPal payment to: ..... or simply click on the PayPal Pay Now button below to purchase a session [you can purchase multiple sessions if you desire]. [Optional] A short summary, s...

Dealing with Severe Relationship Difficulties: Help for Couples Affected by Aspergers and High-Functioning Autism

Are you experiencing relationship difficulties with your ASD? Has separation or divorce crossed your mind? Are the two of you already in the process of breaking up?  S T O P ! ==> Don't make another decision until you read this!